- Smulkiau
- Parašyta 2016 m. spalio 28 d., Penktadienis 10:20
JSC Karmeda successfully implemented the project "Restoration of wooden cultural heritage building at Neringa" (no. EEA-LT06-KM-01-K-01-028), as implemented by the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism of cultural and natural heritage conservation and revitalization program, is orientated to restoration of worn wooden cultural heritage building which has rare historical significance, unique and valuable features and the development of public awareness of cultural heritage importance.
Project implementation would not be possible without the financial support given the fact that the building was completely worn out and its restoration work requires a lot of investment. The value of the project was not limited only by preserving the unique cultural heritage, but also was important to develop the local community as well as public awareness of cultural heritage preservation.
This building is characteristic architectural example of the Curonian Spit wooden residential houses. It has all old architectural elements - carved flying, modular construction etc. Unique construction allows you to move house from one place to another and was critical for those living in littoral.
This house is the oldest building in the area which was built at the beginning of twentieth century. This building has launched new, emerging representative street furnishing of the town center. The first buildings on a plot of the current Preilos g. 85 were built in 1851 and 1909. This great residential house was the first who started the new central Preilos Urban street furnishing.
Condition of the wooden cultural heritage building was very poor until the start of construction works: foundation was fractured and wet, walls were cracking, the condition of roof and enablement construction was bad, roof and other items were replaced with non-genuine, the wood was going to destruction.
Construction works of worn wooden cultural heritage restoration started on 30th of April, 2015. It was completed according to the project.
Restoration works were performed on the façade structure (frame). During the roof restoration works, it was noted that the existing roof bearing structures must be strengthened, therefore, discussion about the situation and possible actions was made with the Cultural Heritage Department specialists, therefore additional roof construction reinforcement and roof restoration works were done.
The project was implemented in cooperation with partners: Tailormade Interior AS from Norway (country donor), Company „Arkitektkontoret Amundsen AS“ from Norway (country donor), company „Simbahöllin ehf.” from Iceland (country donor).
Representatives of the project partner not only contributed their expertise to the trainings (trainings on the theme of Wooden Cultural Heritage Restoration for traditional handicraft masters or seeking to become ones), but also shared their experience and knowledge with JSC “Karmeda” on adapting cultural heritage structure for the needs of the community (community activities, exhibitions and educational activities in order not only to diversify the local community life activities, but to attract as much as possible visitors to the restored cultural heritage site).
It is planned that in arranged building will be held activities for the local community for cultural events and (or) educational activity.
Restoration of the wooden heritage building will have a positive impact to the local community, because it will allow to satisfy the public interest, in arranged building activities such as local community cultural events, educational activities, attracting more tourists to the area will be held. Moreover, will be encouraged cultural heritage preservation activities, continuity of public responsibility, and cultural cooperation. The project will also promote cooperation between donor countries (Iceland and Norway), as the project partners is precisely from these countries.
More about financial mechanism:;;
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